CT NUMBER/ HU VALUE/ HU Unit/ DENSITY IN CT Scan / (Hounsfield unit)
Bone ( + 1000HU )
Air ( -1000 HU )
Muscle 50 HU
White matter 50 HU
Grey matter 45 HU
Blood 50 – 70 HU
Water 0 HU
Fat (- 60 to – 100 )HU
Liver / Kidney / Spleen 40 to 60 HU
Lungs (- 500 to – 950)HU
Q – What is the CT number of blood?
A. 40
B. 60
C. 100
D. 1000
Q – What is the CT number of water?
A. 100
B. 10
C. 0
D. 1000
Q What is the CT number of metal?
A. 100
B. 1000
C. Greater than 1000
D. 45
Q What is the HU number of Air ?
A. – 1000
B. -500
C. 1000
D. 0
Q What is CT HU Value of bone ?
A. 100
B. 0
C. + 1000
D. + 50
Q What is HU number of lung ?
A. 1000
B. O
C. – 60 to – 100
D. – 400 to – 800
Q Hounsfield units depends on –
A. Electron density
B. Mass density
C. Effective Atomic number
D. Attenuation
Q Which is of the following post processing technique used in CT Scan ?
A. VRT – Volume Rendering Technique
B. MIP – Maximum Intensity Projection
C. MPR – Multiplanar Reconstruction / Reformation
D. All of these